Monday, 13 July 2015

First Cross Stitch! Fat Cat by Mouseloft

Well I've always wondered about cross stitch as both my sister and auntie have done some lovely designs over the years. My auntie made my brother, sister and I all gorgeous birth charts when we were born. My sister also completed a mini design for me too which I still have somewhere. I think with the revival and new fresh designs out there and I've been sketching some possible future cross stitch designs I wanted to give it a try. So a trip to local craft shop at a garden centre where we just had to eat cake! I looked at all the cross stitch kits and my mum spotted "Fat Cat" design by Mouseloft. Well with being owned by Nog who is on the little bit plump side and he's cream (red) coloured and it was only small and only £2.50 for a first attempt I thought cool lets give it a try! So mum treated me to my first cross stitch kit and this is what it contained:
The front cover showing the design in colour, the chart, threads, cloth and needle. Mum also got me a small hoop but it wasn't small enough and in the end I didn't need it as the design was only small and I managed ok. The cloth was folded again to find the centre.

I couldn't wait to get started and this was where I finished after my first evening. I learnt to work in sections down. So started from the Middle with the cream and then the yellow main colour I moved down and around the cream. I then completed 4 rows up at time. This seemed to work best with the thread length. Once the main colour was finished it was easy to add in the Orange tabby markings and the White for tail tip and feet. Lastly the black and green for eyes and his nose.

This is "Fat Cat" with all cross stitch completed and only back stitch left to do.

Finished "Fat Cat" with backstitch completed and I'm really pleased with it! Not bad for a first go!

Pros: It was a great beginners project and was clear to follow. Plus you get everything you need to start. Cute design. Cheap starter project but looks great finished.
Cons: Threads provided were quite short and I had to renew often but not a disaster and I am prone to making threads to long which tangle.
Recommended Products To Use: I used Thread Heaven to condition the thread and a plastic thread holder to keep tidy the thread I was using. I also use a wonder clip on the end of the threads for when I am separating strands. This stops them tangling.
Overall: Loved it! Really enjoyed my first cross stitch project and the design is cute!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015



Well finally started that blog about my craft adventures and gosh it's a warm day to start. I think with all this lovely weather Nog has slightly burnt ears! I thought it would be Pepper as she is a little sun worshiper. I think he will need a little sun hat before the summer is finished!

Anyway just a short post because well I think the sun has sucked all my life and energy out of me! Plus I wanted to get this blog going and there's lots more to share in the near future so see ya soon!

Nog Pepper Me 
(A craft collaboration)